More Visual Deception in our Media
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Now this is really twisted… on the part of her media comrades. Look at the long dark shadow on the grass beyond her. The shot of the graveyard was obviously a very late-day shot. Note the angle from the top of the gravestone to the end of the shadow and especially how much it angles toward the camera. Also, notice how dark the grass in that shadow is. It shows there is not a lot of ambient light around. But, now, look at the grass under the laces of her sneakers and along the edge of her body. Why is the grass there not as dark as the gravestone’s shadow? Is she transparent? If the long shadow of the gravestone is angled toward the camera, why is the shadow of the flowers at her head so short and angled away from the camera? If the light blocked by the gravestone darkens the grass as much as it appears, why are the flowers on it between the gravestone and the grass not equally shadowed? Compare the contrast between the sunlit and shadowed sides of the trees in the background. Why do the flowers at her head and at the gravestone not share that same difference in contrast? How can her face be so well lit?
The liberal license the media has taken to doctor photos bothers me. This sinks well below the level of their prior “selective editing” bias. In advertisement it’s one thing, but in news and political reporting it’s another. Pro or Con (such as ‘demonizing’ the eyes of Condoleezza Rice) this kind of thing should not be tolerated in the slightest in America. Although not state controlled, our left-controlled media has sunk to the journalistic ethics of Hitler and Stalin.
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