Sigh... I started this as a comment on someone else’s blog, but I got so into it, I thought I would turn it into a post on my own:Am I the only one not buying all the mud slung at President Bush over Katrina? Am I the only one who is fed up with all the petty garbage the media seeks out in the midst of a serious catastrophe? Why can’t reporters act like citizens of this country rather than just critics of it? Now is the time for the citizens and leaders of this country to come together, not be inflammatory and divisive with finger pointing and bogus accusations. This past weekend they had one reporter interviewing some guy somewhere who was complaining that they hadn’t had power since the storm and had yet to see anyone from the Government. I noticed in the background that they were on still dry ground, and all the buildings and surroundings looked fine where they were. Other then the loss of power, there was no visible damage to anything from Katrina. I just have to wonder how far inland that reporter had to go to seek out some area where the recovery effort was not focused and find some ignorant person to rant against the administration about it. That person probably had no idea how many people were far worse off than he. If he had power for his TV, I’m sure he would have kept his mouth shut in light of all the suffering of others.
The people in the poor areas that relied on the bus system and were left behind during the evacuation have nobody to blame but their Mayor, not the President. The Mayor didn’t even bother to have the city buses moved to high ground – full or empty – and now they are all swamped underwater.
The civil war is long over. The Federal government does not have the authority to invade a state. The White House sent a draft memorandum to the Governor to issue to turn over the authority over the recovery effort to the Feds. The Governor played partisan/ego politics with it and REFUSED to turn over authority. Since they would not declare martial law, the government was further constrained. Thus, as we all witnessed the recovery effort fell into chaos for days with no organized central coordination.
Finger pointing aside, some people not only tend to blame the current President for everything, but they think the Federal Government is infinite in size and scope. It is not and cannot possibly be. This disaster is one of the biggest in our history – if not THE biggest to date. Frankly we should all be amazed at how many people LIVED, not at how many died.
God, continue to Bless America, especially now.